Martial Arts
epub |eng | | Author:Oster, Aaron [Oster, Aaron]

37 “You know, for someone named Igor the Torture Guy, you’re not very good at this,” Keith said as Igor ran a scalpel across the tips of his fingers. In ...
( Category: Martial Arts March 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-08-21 | Author:Aaron Oster [Oster, Aaron]

4 The rock was still there. Amid the blackened and dead landscape left in the wake of his city-ending disaster attack, the green-red rock remained. However, even its seeming indestructibility ...
( Category: Martial Arts October 5,2023 )
epub |eng | 2023-06-14 | Author:Aaron Oster [Oster, Aaron]

32 Roy stood before Ravage, the last of the Sovereigns who had yet to swear an oath to come to him the moment they advanced to Black-Belt. The other Scions ...
( Category: Martial Arts August 5,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Walter Lorini

Why is tai chi considered an internal style? Tai chi is not just made of slow muscle movements. It also uses other structures, like bones and ligaments, which contribute to ...
( Category: Martial Arts December 5,2022 )